Thursday, September 15, 2011

Kitchen reorg

Well, we bought a new 6’ x 3’ black kitchen rack from Target and I got it assembled and stocked yesterday-took all day to get it assembled then stocked with what I wanted to get on it..

Now it is to do a cabinet reshuffle and create room in the cabinet I had planned on making the room in!

Got the RAM installed-it was so easy to do.

A friend of mine has re-established contact with me--it was a complicated friendship that ended badly, so I am nervous and scared to re-establish regular contact with him, but I am going to give it a shot as I miss what we once had.  So I am going to meet with him next week.

This weekend we have no plans other than spending time together, and I like that idea!

1 comment:

Andrew Grace said...

I'm loving your blog! At least I know I'm not the only gay homemaker out there! x